Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Reader, Role and Purpose Letters Portfolio Essay

Reader, Role and Purpose earn Portfolio - Essay ExampleI was visiting McDonalds and the guy, who was my cashier, suddenly asked me whether I was attending the local college. I answered that indeed I was going home after classes and he told me how envy he was because he regretted move college many years ago. He also said that he could have worked in a give out place than some junk food restaurant. I felt dour for that guy and suddenly remembered you and your carriage in the last lead years. Though I dont necessitate to feel sorry for you, because I want you to be happy and successful besides you still have time to fixity your life and come back to college.The very first thing from my own experience I want to share with you is the knowledge that soft education is one of the most crucial things in modern society. premiere of all, higher education provides you with broad spectrum of career opportunities. I believe you have already realized the concomitant that you havent been a ble to get a reasoned stable job for the last three years because of lack of a good education. Thus you should have understood by now that in order to become somebody signifi canistert in this life, you cannot skip educational step of your personal and superior development. Even though many populate usually justify their lack of education by aphorism that many famous people were losers in high school or even never went to reputable universities, still all of those excuses dont explain the fact why only well-educated people get the best jobs and reach success nowadays. It is also a definite thing that none of good employers would ever consider an application and CV without the information of an applicants educational level.Career opportunities, that qualitative education would provide you with after you graduate, would not only let you choose what you want to do in this life, but also help you earn a lot of money. The thing is that the only way you can do what you like and simul taneously be

Harmful Effects of Anti-Shia Discrimination Assignment

Harmful Effects of Anti-Shia Discrimination - Assignment ExampleThe most agreed upon hold for the prejudice can be traced to the dispute that arose later on the death of the Prophet Muhammad, which led to a tear among the Moslem community into two fundamental juntos the Shia and the Sunnis. The Sunnis to a fault referred to as the followers of the way, decided on following the caliphate maintaining that any Muslim, who is devout in the eyes of his peers, has the potential of being a successor of the Prophet. However, the Shia believe that only a person who is elected by Allah can succeed the Prophet after the Prophet has declargond him his successor, deciding on Imam Ali as their religious authority. Following this split, the Sunni Muslims have everyplace the centuries perceived their rival sect as a threat to their religious authority, and politically as well. Sunni leaders, especially under the Umayyad, began a systematic marginalization of the Shia, who formed a minority of the Muslim community, while the Abbasids also turned on the Shia, killing, persecuting, and imprisoning them (Walker 18). The Shia community to this day remains marginalized and persecuted sect in the majority of Muslim states. This discrimination has harmed the Shia by ensuring that they are less educated than Sunnis, cannot practice their religion, and cannot get work in their countries. Discrimination against the Shia has led to their inability to practice their religion, which has caused resentment towards their Sunni counterparts, as they are denied their right to worship. For example, Chehab in Sunni vs. Shia All You Need to Know claims that Jordanian tribes have banned Shias from paying homage at the historical grave site of a prominent Shia imam (13).This led to protests in which all over fifty Shia members either were killed or went missing. The Shia Muslims are also disallowed to access religious centers such(prenominal) as mosques, forcing them to perform their prayers on Friday in their houses (Chehab 13). This means that Shia Muslims, despite being part of the broader Islam family, are second-class religious citizens in most Muslim dominated countries. They are treated no other than than Christians, who are discriminated against in the same way and might as well be without religion. This has all the hallmarks of an permanent religious war if unchecked. In addition, all able-bodied Muslims are required to visit Mecca at least once in their lifetime, which is one of Islams five pillars, to perform the Hajj. Although this event is supposed to count as one of the most intense religious times in the Muslim calendar, a group of Shias who were on a pilgrimage was arrested in 2009 by the Saudi religious police. This was part of Sunni Muslims, particularly the Wahhabi sects, aim to purify Islam of any innovations or practices that deviate from the seventh-century teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions (Giritlioglu 1). The incident resulted in one of the pilgrims, a fifteen-year-old boy, being shot in the head and chest, while a Shia sheik was knifed by an abstruse person in the back for being what he termed as a rejectionist. Allowed to continue, such actions can only lead to reprisal attacks in Shia majority countries, resulting in a never-ending cycle of violence.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Marriage must be banned Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

matrimony must be banned - Research Paper Example71). Moreover, according to the Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law, uniting is the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a legal, consensual, and contractual relationship recognized and sanctioned by and dissolvable provided by law (Marriage). In any case, join is a partnership or covenant amid a male and female which starts normally when at the youth period and ends just now at the wipeout of either of the partners. The concept of sum is getting decreased popularity at present among teenagers or youths because of the changing disembodied spirit styles and life principles. According to National vital statistics reports of 2009, Number of conglutinations is 2,077,000. Marriage sum up is 6.8 per 1,000 total populations. Divorce rate is 3.4 per 1,000 populations (44 reporting States and D.C.) (Tejada & Sutton). Current generation perceive marriage ceremony as a burden rather than a necessi ty. In their opinion, whatever the purpose fulfilled though marriage can be obtained even without a marital life. Staying together is the new life concept which is substituting marriage. The advantage of staying together over marriage is that if any of the partners face problems in adjusting his or her life with the partner, he/she can put an end to that relationship easily and impression for other options. It is difficult for the couples to get a divorce, if they tied their relationship through a marriage. In this paper, I argue that marriage should be banned considering burden it creates to human life. Forced marriage and ordered marriage create lot of problems in the life of people. The only reason for the couple to be together is the pressure of the two families and of the society as a whole. They are concerned to keep the marriage going no matter whether it is successful or non (Opponents Views on Arranged Marriages). uncomplete the male nor the female gets any opportunity t o know each other in the case of an arranged marriage. Parents usually arrange the marriages of their children based on their own perceptions about life. However, life is changing rapidly and it is not necessary that the parents have the right knowledge about the necessities of modern life. Parents arrange the marriage based on the knowledge they acquired in their life. Their intention is always to secure the life of their children. So, in most of the cases, the parents will look to the financial aspects of the marriage first before finalizing the marriage. Dowry system is prevailing among numerous cultures and the marriage is obdurate based on the amount of dowry the bridegroom is getting. In other words, the choices of the youths get least preferences in arranged marriages. Marriage is a convention. From a thousand years ago to today, people get conjoin by the strong force. Article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that Marriage shall be entered into only w ith the free and full consent of the intending spouses (Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages). However, many of the youths try to engage in marital relationships, to keep the tradition intact. They might have learned that marriage is an essential thing which makes human different from animals. They are getting long lectures about the importance of tutelage traditions from their school, colleges, and churches. Even if they have different opinions, the pressure from family and society force them to engage in a

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Amendment rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Amendment rights - Essay ExampleThis is because the window is viewable by any matchless one walking along that street. For example in Katz v. United States, a case ruled by the dogmatic Court that there was no search if a person has an expectation of privacy and this expectation should be commonsensible. For this case, if a law ships officer looks through the garbage, this can non be termed as a search since there is non expectation that the garbage is private. The Congress has already placed statutory restrictions on incidents like when a police officer monitors telephone numbers dialed by individuals. At one time, the lordly Court ruled in the case of Florida v. Riley, where police officers had hovered above a suspects house with a helicopter and conducted surveillance. on that point can be no expectation of privacy in illegal activities. For example where a police officer uses a drug sniffing dog to investigate an illegal drill is not a search.Under certain circumstances, it is not necessary for stock-purchase warranty for a search or seizure. For this case, the police officer must have a probable cause that makes him believe that the object in question is contraband before the search and seizure. There is search without a warrant on give corrections if at all the person conducting his activity in the open field had no reasonable expectation of privacy. ... There is search without a warrant on open fields if at all the person conducting his activity in the open field had no reasonable expectation of privacy. For this case the meaning of open field doctrine is expanded so that it includes any open space. For example in a case that was ruled by the Supreme Court that there was no search where the police had ignored a no trespassing sign when they entered the suspects land without a warrant and as they walked through a path to the interior, they discovered he had planted marijuana in his land. The Supreme Court ruled in this case of Oliver v. United States that no search had taken place at the suspects land. At time, there atomic number 18 exceptions to the warrant requirement for example in case the police officer suspects that the accused is likely to destroy evidence. For this case, the police officer is permitted to search and seize the suspects property for evidence without a warrant. According to Supreme Court, individuals have reduced expectation of privacy while driving in their vehicles since the vehicles are not repositories of personal effects nor do they serve as a residence place. However, the automobiles are not supposed to be randomly stopped to be searched without a probable cause or reasonable suspicion of criminals driving in it. The police officer for this case is allowed to extend the search to any voice of the vehicle where they believe weapons or drugs could be hidden. They may also extend their search to the passengers if there is a probable cause to search them if he suspects that they may hiding drug s or any harmful weapon. If a person has not been arrested and it appears that he has to be searched, then the search

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Critical Response of the Jordanian Government Published a Code of Essay

Critical Response of the Jordanian Government print a Code of Conduct Regulating Relations between the Media and the Governm - Essay ExampleIf the spirit of text edition is to be followed, it clearly makes a demarcation between media and the government activity so that the media is guaranteed with a freedom of panorama as stipulated in the Constitution of Jordan. It even went into details as to prohibit government in providing the grooming of financial incentives or in-kind designed to regulate the diarists or the media and work on the subject of every come inconsistent with the laws and the Charter of the electronic jamming approved by the JPA. This meant that government and its agencies are prohibited to give bribes to media in any form or kind that will influence its function as a press agency out of fear of black mail or to pursue its own popularity by influencing media with incentives. The text also circumscribed the states power of the purse to come across that it do es not influence media by the leverage of its ad placement. To prevent this, it directs its departments and institutions by means of a direct purchase from the market to ensure that it will not meddle with the media that would compromise its license. Meaning, government and its agencies will buy its subscriptions from the market and not through the free subscription given by the media. The guideline also prohibits government institution from employing any entity from the media to prevent it from having a close relation with the press which might induce it to influence the press. It ensures the objectivity of the media by guaranteeing, through the guidelines, that the media as an institution is separate and apart from the government and thus independent. Again, if the spirit of these guidelines is to be strictly followed, it can be considered as revolutionary in terms of upholding press freedom in Jordan because government is distancing itself from the media to ensure its independe nce and objectivity that can be likened to the code of regulations that govern the press in non-Arab countries. The text might tolerate been the original draft of the National Agenda Committee which was a response of the government to prevent any similar uprising in Jordan that happened in its neighbouring countries. It is important to note that in March 7, 2011 hundreds of Jordanian journalists hearten by the wave of Arab uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia demanded an end to governments curtailment of media freedom in Jordan (al-Khalidi 2011). in that location is a big probability that the draft was just a political move of the government to squash a possible uprising in Jordan and did not necessarily mean it. The draft was obviously not final because a month after the publication of such guidelines, Daoud Kuttab, a prominent journalist from Al Arabiya was called by the National Agenda Committee headed by Marwan Muasher in April of 2011 to consult his opinion in the governments ini tiative to design a strategic media plan (Kuttab a 2011). Series of meetings happened after the sign meeting where a suggestion to adopt a media council and ending the mandatory membership in journalist association were adopted. The new strategy also recommended revision of a dozen or so laws connect to the media (Kuttab a 2011). The progressive initiative to uphold media independence and freedom was however temporary as a draft of Press and Publications Law was also forced through the Cabinet in parallel to the strategic media plan. The draft of the Press and Publica